खोज करना पदों

हमारे डिस्कवर पेज पर मनोरम सामग्री और विविध दृष्टिकोणों का अन्वेषण करें। नए विचारों को उजागर करें और सार्थक बातचीत में संलग्न हों

What is more efficient? (There is a right answer)

Car centric design (Caused by Capitalism)
Public Transport Focused Design (Based on Socialism)
3 कुल वोट

The Undocumented immigrant "Problem"
Can you spot the real problem?
Hint: They are wearing a suit


EaglerCraft Hardcore, but it\s Amplified?!
#noobarmy New Minecraft/Eaglercraft video out now

What is the reason for Climate change? (There is a right answer)

Capitalism: the endless pursuit of profit at the expense of the environment
Socialism: China emits the most greenhouse gasses in the world
Its a Natural Occurence: Climate has changed throughout the history of the earth
4 कुल वोट

China (The scary socialists) have used more concrete in a few years than the US has for the past CENTURY. It is extremely efficient when the government works and develops for the people instead of billionares.


Scientists in the past:
"Finally we are 1 step closer to the cure for cancer!"

Scientists now:
"For the last time RFK, vaccines don't give you autism and the earth is not fucking flat"


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Trump Ditches Massie, Chemtrails, Measles Pre-Programming | Midweek Watch: YNN News Desk (3/12/25)

Trump Ditches Massie, Chemtrails, Measles Pre-Programming | Midweek Watch: YNN News Desk (3/12/25)

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Chemtrails still in PA. Where\s RFK?
This video got over 40k view on X for good reasons. We need to ban the #chemtrails NOW

Who else thinks our logo is badass?!?!

2 कुल वोट